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Join our list of talented performers! We’re looking for dancers, aerialists, actors, and other amazing artists. Please fill out the form below.
First Name*
Last Name*
Preferred Name (Optional)
Pronouns Choose an optionhe/himshe/herthey/themotherprefer-not-to-say
Phone Number*
Discord Name
Performance Type*
Dancer Dance Group Aerialist Fire Performer Contortionist Burlesque Performer Drag Performer Shibari Artist Actor Comedian Clown Magician Costumed Figure Stilt Walker Live artist such as painting or drawing Other (Describe below)
If you selected Dancer, specify your style:
If you selected Aerialist, specify your act:
If you selected anything else or Other, describe your act:
Performer Name/Alias
Tell us about yourself and your performance style*
Link to your portfolio or video sample
Your Instagram
We use logos, photos, and videos of our performers for event marketing and visuals. By uploading, you grant us permission to use these materials.
Logo (PNG preferred)
Expected Pay Rate*
Special accommodations needed
Additional comments
"I agree that submitting this form does not guarantee booking, and I may be contacted for additional details or confirmation."